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- 柏景设计、新加坡英柏建筑景观设计公司(AEP Design Singapore)是集总体规划、建筑和园林景观设计于一体的专业设计公司。为更好的服务中国区域项目,2002年在中国投资注册了柏景(广州)园林景观设计有限公司,2003年成立了南京分公司,并于2010年成立上海分公司。 公司拥有众多极富创意的国际资深规划师、建筑师、景观设计师、室内设计师及各专业设计支持人员,荟萃中西方的设计高手,形成强有力的国际组合设计团队。公司拥有丰富的国际项目运作经验,熟悉不同的文化背景,有足够的资源胜任来自各个领域、各种类型的设计项目。 在总经理兼总设计师的率领下,公司坚持“精心设计、科学管理、优良服务、务实创新”的宗旨,表现出卓越的创新能力,浓墨重彩的倾情绘制了一道又一道亮丽的风景线,创造了骄人的业绩,先后在中国成功的完成了倍受各界人士赞誉的项目。 荣获奖项:“CIHAF中国建筑十大品牌影响力景观园林设计公司”“总设计师被评为CIHAF中国十大最具影响力设计师”“总设计师被评为羊城杰出贡献外籍设计师” 公司弘扬的设计理念:1、发挥创造性、设计唯一性,充分展现项目的特殊性;2、以自然与人性为本,追求自然与人性的和谐统一;3、赋予有特色的景观文化内涵;4、创造可持续性的景观。 公司实行5天工作制,并为员工提供良好的发展空间、福利待遇:国内外参观考察、开阔视野;灵活的晋升机制、量才适用;系统内部培训,注重学习和成长;每周体育锻炼活动,每月员工生日会,购买五险(广州地区的含门诊医疗),带薪年假、内部工龄假等;现因在中国的业务发展需要,柏景设计旗下广州公司、上海公司、南京公司及大连公司诚聘景观设计精英,欢迎优秀人才加入我们的队伍。 特别提醒:近日我司收到多名求职者咨询,反映有人以我司名义,通知求职者到其他城市面试(尤其以韶关市为多),并假冒我司以招聘为名,通知应聘者前往异地实施诈骗。在此特别声明:我司招聘程序严格规范,并且全部由公司固定电话拨出,公司地址在官网均有发布,请求职者警惕防止受骗。 AEP Design is an international architectural and landscape design company。 The Asian headquarters is based in Singapore。 To serve China clients better, the company set up offices on Guangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Dalian。 As an international, professional practice AEP Design has attracted numerous creative individuals into its fold。 The design team boasts of over 100 qualified, experienced landscape architects, design architects and interior designers。 The technical support team has been groomed to supplement our designers in site management, as well as the efficient production of shop drawings。 Design Concept: first is to creative sustainable landscape; second is emphasis 3D result of space; third is, as a design style, make good use of materials to express naturally。 AEP Design provide all-around design service including concept design, DD stage, Working drawing design as well as site follow up service to ensure our design concept is expressed exactly。 Over the past few years the company, led by the General Manager and Chief Designer , with a Painstaking Design, Scientific Management, Excellent Service, has shown unparalleled creative power in managing and designing multiple developments such as hotels, resorts, residential and commercial projects, all of which incorporate impeccable landscaping and artistry。 These projects include Guangzhou Summer Palace, National Healthy Residential Demonstration Project; Shenzhen Xiang Mi Shan, Comprehensive Top Prize of China Outstanding Residential Innovation Storm 2004; classic Guangzhou Kang Yu Bei Yuan; Guangzhou La Bali with thick subtropics style; Nanjing Yu Lan Villa, Best Residential Environment and new Nanjing Brightness Fall etc。 In order to make the project perfectly, AEP Design complies with the market need and development trend, advocate considering designing as an organic whole integration of master plan, architecture and landscape。 It helps overall arrange and unify the project harmoniously wholly, so that to control the develop cycle, reduce develop cost and improve overall effect。
更新时间: 12-21